Life Cycle Unit!

Though we are still waiting for our chicks to hatch, we have begun to finish our life cycle unit at Club Fed. The children have learned much and had the opportunity to not only talk about life cycles but also watch them first hand. The caterpillars, then chrysalis, and finally the butterflies have been a part of our classroom for many weeks. It was finally time to release the butterflies back into their home environment, so the children helped the teachers with this. It was sad to see them go but fun to have been able to enjoy them and learn so much about them!

Dental Hygiene Day at Club Fed!

Cindy the dental hygienist and her helper, Rosie the Dog, came for a visit to Club Fed! Cindy is a dental hygienist from Albany Pediatric Dentistry and came to teach the children about the importance of brushing their teeth as a part of our Dental Hygiene Month. The children in Camps Laurel Oak and Mighty Redwood learned about what it is like to go for a visit to the dentist office, how to brush their teeth, and even got to practice on Rosie! Each child also received a toothbrush bag filled with educational goodies to bring home and continue their great dental hygiene work.  

Our Community Involvement - Orange Bookshelf Delivery

We have been working with many community based partners to get our new Family Reading Initiative off the ground! Thank you first to all who have been a part of this very important project. It takes many people to make a difference in the community and our Club Fed Family is doing just that! We have delivered our first two bookshelves (outside of Club Fed) that are now filled with gently used books that are free to families. They found homes at the City School District of Albany Committee on Preschool Special Education Office and at the City School District of Albany Central Registration Office. A huge thank you to the Glenville Day Habilitation group that made the beautiful bookshelves to house all of the books! 

A Month Long Celebration of Traditions Around the World

From December 4th to January 1st Club Fed has been learning about and celebrating traditions from all around the world. We have been exploring how different cultures celebrate family, togetherness, and giving thanks. The traditions we have learned about have been St. Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, St. Lucia Day, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and others in between! The children really enjoyed learning about the traditions other families and children take part in during this time of year!

Santa Claus Visited Club Fed!

It wouldn't be the Holidays if Santa didn't visit Club Fed! The children were so excited to see him and had fun as he handed out small goodie bags to all of the children. A special thank you to Pam and the team from HSI who not only made the goodie bags but also brought beautiful cupcakes for all the children at Club Fed - they were delicious! Thank you to all of the parents who attended, it was great fun! 

Field Trip to the Fire Station

Camps Mighty Redwood and Laurel Oak went on a field trip to the Arbor Hill Fire Station. There they learned about fire safety and got to see all of the equipment that the firefighters use when they work to keep us safe. Camp Mighty Redwood even made a book for them to say thank you for all of the work they do to keep our community safe. They saw the firetrucks, got to sit inside one and see what it was like, they practiced bandaging friends up, and they got to see the clothes and special equipment firefighters wear! It was a fun time had by all!

H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N Spells Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the children of Club Fed! The costumes this year were creepy, cute, and creative! All the children dressed up and said "Trick-Or-Treat!" in their best spooky voices around the building. Afterwards, parents and children joined us for a party with lots of treats to celebrate Halloween Thank you to all the parents and agencies that participated in and provided snacks and candy for the spook-tacular Halloween event this year! A special thank you to Pam, Nick, and the team from HSI who made beautiful cupcakes for all the children at Club Fed - they were delicious! 


Pumpkins, Pumpkins All Around!

The children of Camp Mighty Redwood and Camp Laurel Oak went on a field trip to Sunnyside Gardens earlier this month. They had a blast pumpkin picking, riding the train, and seeing the butterflies! They also brought pumpkins back for the other classrooms at Club Fed who have all had a great time exploring the pumpkin. They have seen and felt what's inside, baked pumpkin seeds and had them for snack, painted with pumpkin tops, made Jack-O-Laterns, and even done science experiments with the pumpkins! It has been a month long fun learning unit! 

Club Fed 26th Annual Play!

The children worked hard this summer to put on a play for their families and friends. The costumes looked wonderful and all of the children did a wonderful job! It was a fun afternoon had by all.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee

All of our "Little Fishies" getting ready for their performance. 

All of our "Little Fishies" getting ready for their performance. 

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

How Do You Sleep?

How Do You Sleep?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

Everyone take a bow!

Everyone take a bow!